The Pizza Incident

This is a true life scarring moment of my life. Today is the day were I reveal it to the world.
One day my family ordered pizza. I was just a kid back then. 20 minutes later the Pizza came. Our family was happy about the pizza. Until It came out of the box. The pizza walked up and stabbed my fathers eyes out with a kitchen knife. I was shocked. The pizza came and locked the doors, There was no escape. The pizza ripped out my mothers heart and ate it. He shot my brother in the head leaving guts everywhere, He ate them too. I was next. I was crying. The Pizza came and unzipped his pants. I was crying even more. He showed me his long Pizza crust. It was oozing mozzarella. I was scared for my life. He took his pants off and did the same with mine. He stuck his long crust in my small body. I was crying even more. My insides felt like they were bleeding with his strength. He took his crust out and then put his pants on. He grabbed my neck and dragged me over to the snowy backyard. He buried me with a shovel into the ground. It was the end. I saw a light afterwards, Someone digged me up. It was a vegan. The Pizza was put into a containment unit in Russia and I never heard from it again. The vegan and the veganette (girl vegan) then raised me afterwards, And here I am today.
I will never forget this life scarring moment. Watch out when you order Pizza, This might happen to you.
Also, The Creepypasta Wiki deleted this because they don't want you to know the truth, Spread the word.